Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, January 28, 2024
My Children, I Love You and Still I Ask You for Prayer, Pray My Children Pray
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of January 26, 2024

I saw Mother, She was all dressed in white, on Her head a queen's crown and a white mantle that also covered Her shoulders. On Her chest Mother had a heart of flesh crowned with thorns, Her arms outstretched as a sign of welcome, and a long rosary beads made like drops of ice in Her right hand. All around Mother was a myriad of angels, singing a sweet melody, and one angel rang the bell.
Praised be Jesus Christ.
My dear children, I come to you once again because of the Father's immense mercy. My children, these are hard times, times of prayer, pray My children, pray for My beloved Church, pray for the unity of Christians. My children, it is no longer time for demands or futile questions it is time for prayer, pray children, abandon yourselves in the Father's arms, like children in the arms of the most loving of fathers, only in this way can you find true peace, true serenity, only He can give you everything you need. Daughter pray with Me.
I prayed a lot with Mother then She resumed the message.
My children, I love you and still I ask you for prayer, pray My children pray.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.